Matches the bouquet
All the love
Schlumberger Sparkling Brut

A warm compliment! At Fleurop you will find a wonderful selection of flower bouquets with which you can express your appreciation and affection to someone. Our “Kindest Greetings” bouquet of flowers is a real eye-catcher that impresses with its beauty and elegance.

This round bouquet in red-pink-rosé combines delicate roses, fragrant alstromerias and bright gerbera flowers in unique harmony. Each flower is carefully selected by our expert florists to convey a message of admiration and appreciation. The fresh and vibrant colors make the recipient's heart shine.

Whether you want to compliment a dear friend, a family member or a colleague, this bouquet always hits the mark. With Fleurop you can be sure that your flowers will be delivered on time and fresh to make the moment even more special.

Show your appreciation with the “Kindest Greetings” bouquet of flowers from Fleurop. Order today and give someone a treat that will be remembered for a long time.

Please note: All photos are sample photos, each bouquet is unique and may vary depending on season and availability.
Your bouquet will be delivered personally by our florists in sustainable premium packaging with flower food and care tips.
Blumenstrauß in Flower-Bag
Delivery by florist: €7.95

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